Are you making a move to flexible packaging? Be sure you’re doing it the right way.

There are some great reasons to switch to flexible packaging and we could spend all day talking about them! Suffice it to say that flexible packaging is great for both consumers and brands – it offers convenience and portability for consumers; it is a sustainable option with low water usage and carbon impact; and it is economically impactful for brands who make the switch.

That said, the switch can be the hitch!

A successful packaging switch needs to be properly and carefully planned and executed. There are many facets to consider before and during the change! Below are some of the most important things to consider while planning your company’s switch to flexible packaging:

Bring all internal stakeholders to the table.

Before you start, it’s important to understand that a switch to flexible packaging can change your budget, timelines, and even product marketing. These changes are usually for the better, but your team still needs to be aware of the potential alterations that may come down the line as you plan your change.

Prepare for marketing changes

There are two main areas your marketing may be affected.

  • The printed product – changing your packaging can affect the design work, but with flexible packaging, your options are expanded, not diminished! Flexible packaging offers a fantastic surface for high-quality printing.
  • Think about how and where your product is displayed and consider whether a packaging change may necessitate a change in those plans – or it may allow you to do something new you haven’t tried before.

Make sure you have the right packaging partner

Not all packaging printers can handle flexible packaging. There is a lot of expertise involved. There are new and constantly evolving materials to keep up with. Your packaging partner must be able to engineer the right solution for your product. In fact, you want to consider whether your flexible packaging partner has experience with your type of product. The unique formulation of your product has a big impact on which types of materials should be used to keep it safe, stable, and consistent.

Additionally, your packaging partner should have the capability of providing options for sizes, shapes and sealing innovations.

Bring your packaging partner to the table early and often

Your packaging partner should be involved in every phase of your production, so they truly understand your company’s needs, your product’s requirements, and your marketing team’s approach. This helps them be a true partner, not just a supplier.

Plan time for stability testing

A packaging change can be a big deal for your company. Don’t take any risks in discovering too late that the packaging formulation wasn’t quite right. Test runs are vital to ensure that your product gets to your consumer in exactly the right way.

Flexible packaging can be a fantastic option for your product, but as with any big production change, thorough planning and involving the right stakeholders and partners will make sure the change goes smoothly.

At Amgraph, we have years of experience working with flexible packaging and the right expertise to help you through the entire transition process. Our customer-centric team has knowledge and compassion – the two key ingredients that make the difference in helping your business move to the next level. Reach out today to start your switch!